The Ground Data Black Box®

The Ground Data Black Box® Tempeus® secret has been revealed to the Boeing teams and to the Consulate General of Canada in Seattle teams, during the Boeing Launchpad Canada program.

Tempeus® is the 3rd safety data recorder that did not exist yet in aviation. Tempeus® records the ground data parameters to complete the safety analysis of the two black boxes onboard, to manage and increase the aircrafts safety. It is a new safety standard in aviation, because flights safety start from the ground©. Some Dassault Aviation Falcon airplanes (F900LX and F8X) are equipped and certified with the GDBB Tempeus® since 2017.

Tempeus® was officially introduced to the International Civil Aviation (ICAO) in October 2022, by the French government, to issue a new safety standard (SARPs). Tempeus® is still under evaluation at ICAO.

NATO is interested by The Ground Data Black Box® Tempeus®. Lahou Keita, FRAeS was invited at NATO Headquarters in France in September 2023.

Tempeus® is the Ground Data Black Box® (GDBB) with an aircraft failure profile per aircraft, and an MRO portal which is connected to the OEM MRO Marketplace (the Maintenance Hub).

Tempeus® aims to close safety gaps. The aviation industry has created 2 flight recorders that are the black boxes onboard: the flight data recorder (FDR) and the cockpit voice recorder (CVR). But there is one problem, one black box is missing. It is The Ground Data Black Box®.

Keitas Systems has created this ground data black box : Tempeus®. Tempeus® records the ground data, that is to say, the evolution of the aircraft’s configuration since the manufacture exit, in order to detect and correct the ground safety issues, to protect the crew, and the passengers’s lives. The ground data black box® was designed to avoid crashes. It is always available to be open first, while locating the other two.

We recommend Tempeus® on-ground health monitoring, not only for Boeing aircraft, but for all aircraft in the world.

We trust that all OEMs will implement this huge innovation that changes the industry, and that ICAO will issue a new safety standard.

Tempeus® is also a proactive and reliable online tool for monitoring your fleet maintenance works. Get real time information about the works in progress wherever the service center is located.


  • Monitor and follow your aircraft works in real time with the percentage of progress for each task performed with photos, daily and weekly reports until the release.
  • The maintenance history of your aircraft is recorded online and easily accessible at any time.
  • With Tempeus you can approve your estimates online, and proforma invoices are displayed in real time. Tempeus makes it easier for you to monitor your aircraft airworthiness.
  • Tempeus adds value to your aircraft by providing accurate and up-to-date maintenance records.

Using TEMPEUS® insures a 30% to 40% productivity gain per employee and by plane.

Read testimonials


The leading maintenance and airworthiness tracking software CAMP is integrating TEMPEUS® data.

Lahou Keita, FRAeS was recognized in April 2024, as an inventor by the Royal Aeronautical Society for her invention The Ground Data Black Box® (GDBB) Tempeus®.

24/7 Hotline

Keitas Systems is proud to provide a 24/7 assistance, should you need any help with The Ground Data Black Box® Tempeus®, our products and services.
For more information, please contact our hotline:

Europe: +33 (0) 6 63 43 43 33
North America: +1 (819) 968-0476